Tuesday, December 14, 2010


for the e-wallpaper, i chose only one picture. which reflected the fom building side. this picture however is simple and as you can see, there is some clouds above it. so, I used "magic eraser" and cut out that part so that it will be empty and white in color.

for making it look simple and creative, i rotated the picture to 15 CW. I chose "artistic" option and make it as "smudge stick". after that, I chose "motion blur" and insert 45 and 10 pixels.

however, I'm not satisfied with the picture yet. so, I added brightness to make it nicer and lastly, I chose "auto-tone" to make it all stable.

for the title, I cut out the logo of MMU and insert it together with the writing. its simple and after I inserted in the big picture, I played with the color and the gradient so that it will match with the background, "black and white".

and tadaa~ another picture has been done!

Monday, November 29, 2010

one shot

I've started this assignment last week but could not online using my broadband (due to some financial probs, heh!).. Anyway, here we are again. Back in the same blog, different type of work.

My first assignment is designing a face? Well, using fruits of course. Thats the cute part of it. At first, I was aiming to have the original melon for the face from the lecturer's document. But, it doesn't fit with others. So, I googled and saved a not-so-huge watermelon picture as below for the face.

Then, for the eyes.. Instead of putting the small star looking thing in "selection tool", I googled for "buah mata kucing". First, I paste it then by using "Magnetic Lasso Tool", I circled around it. When I got all of it, I made it smaller in size by "ctrl+T". After I made it smaller, I duplicated it and put it both side by side.

As for the eyebrows, I chose bananas. Its kind of tricky there cause the banana has one bunch of them. So again, I used "Magnetic Lasso Tool" and paste it above both of the eyes.

For the hat, I don't want it to be formal. And so, after I copy it out from the selection tool, I made it bigger by "ctrl+T" and resize it without shift so that it would get bigger by width. I rotated it as I like and I put it as in "French hat".

For the mouth, I resized it and rotated as a "smile" on the face. And for the blushing part, I made that isi carrot to be wider and put it both of the cheeks to make it cuter :D The ribbon and the nose? Hehe, I just redo the steps I did for every each of them.

And tadaa~ finishooo!

Sunday, September 5, 2010


for the front page, i've decided just to put the face of the character of the onion man. the character i put is in color. different with the interior which i only put black and white.

firstly, i put up the wish "happy birthday mum" on the left section. make sure the "birthday" writing is bigger than both "happy" and "mum".

after that, i started to draw the picture. well, this time i didn't trace. i used pencil tool to just draw out the outline then started to insert the color. for the onion man, i chose yellow. i included it with a "songkok"; a malay tradition hat.

lastly, for the background. i chose rainbow! haha! red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.. arent they such interesting colors! i used gradient for it as linear. then, i made it straight. so the red to purple is from above to below.

just to make it look nicer, i added some of the stars. i just copy them from the backpage anyway :D

more writings

after i made the trace smaller, i've gained all of my mom's wish list and made it simple.. put the "happy birthday mum" in different colors.. the trick was to make the stars.

i let the drawings stick with the white background and so does the character.

head start!

all of us have different ideas eh? while everyone else are doing some other types of cards, i chose to do a birthday card. special for my mom :)

among all of the designs, i finally find my idea to make one. before i started to make the front page, i've created the inside first. ahaks.

first, i made the character. it is the same person as the previous works of mine. the "onion man". because it is sooooo cute!

i made the trace first.

then, i added the clothes of a sailor.. and because of the character is a baby, i made a songkok instead of a sailor head just to make sure it looked malay c(:

then i made it smaller in size...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

don give up!!

in order to make the character more expose in the calendar, I decided to make it bigger. in order to make it bigger, I have to group the "onion man" body and head. after that I group the sun and make it lighter in such a way it looked like its a background sun.

after I made it bigger.. I group the "onion man" and the sun together.. cut it first and play with the background color. I only used gradient (of course) but in order to make the tone different, the middle change of color has a very small gap.

after doing this, the color will be half green and half orange + yellow to give the sun impact on the background.

I cut everything first actually. haha. because I want to arrange them back to make the calendar full with things and create an impact when the user see it.

the raya festival this year will be held during september. i used "bauhaus 93" font and make the year font bigger because it is this year festival after all right..

for the "jawi" writing, i make it bigger. in order to give it impact on jawi, beside the function "stroke".. there are choices of wave writing... so i chose the second (if im not mistaken).. and put it by the left..

and as for the pelita, i grouped them and made a copy. the bigger one i arranged by the right side of the "onion man" and the smaller version of it, I arranged it by the bigger side. well, its confusing if I only explained it. so, yeah.. the below is the result..

last but not the least, a running cow! haha.. I have no idea why I chose this cow.. Its from the comic book but I drew it slowly and finally, its developed to be a cute one.

every kampung has cow. and so, I inserted it inside here. grouped it and made it bigger. u have no idea how i color this thing. its soo hard! i have to draw the circular inside the cow and color it one by one.. huh...

so walah! this is my calendar.. im done! yahoo!~


you guys must be wondered where did I get the idea of putting everything in a calendar. and in this case, for the sun background... I took it from this calendar...

I can't trace it so I used the pen tool slowly and drew it. the result for the sun is not dat round shape but it still can be considered as the sun when you look at it. hehe..

and as for the calendar date... I planned to put it as vertical only. but after awhile.. i chose to do it circular shape following the sun shape.. and dress it up nicely with the color..

in order to make it as circular shape, I used the envelope wrap and chose "arc". the "arc" has to choices; whether its vertical or horizontal. so, I chose vertical instead.

before I did the the calendar dates, I changed a little things on my "onion man" whom my character in this calendar. he supposed to be a malay person so I dressed him up nicely with baju melayu (which is familiar with malay culture during raya festival) and songkok as his hat to go to pray...

usually in cards and festival posters, there will be jawi writing that bring a "selamat hari raya" theme.. so I included it in the calendar. but this is just a primary.. because the writing is not yet complete version.

oh yea, after I inserted the calendar date.. I insert the colors and like previous works, I used gradient most of the time to put some impact on the sun especially. hehe

Friday, July 16, 2010

calendar starter

for the second assignment, i'll take hari raya theme. my theme is "hari raya is the best!" lame! i noe.. but i donno.. i like it that way.. and so, this is the first draft..

yeah.. thats the small guy... haha.. comel tak? hehehe.... then its like very empty around the sunrise.. so i just draw in some birds there.. but yeah.. birds come in many sizes. so yeah..

Sunday, July 11, 2010


the company name : Apple
the company website: http://www.apple.com/
the company current logo:

after a long thought, i chose this icon and put in some color in it. just like all the previous posts i sent. most of the tools i've used were tracing, coloring and also gradient. nothing much on the batik design i had.

the batik design i traced, copy and pasted it over on top of the original apple icon and made it fit into it. i put in different colors so that it wont look so dull and people wont get to see any difference.

Malaysia always emphasis natural flower; hibiscus. i put in different color base such as red, blue, green and yellow. even though its still not clear, it represented not only the Malaysian natural culture but also the Malaysian flag.

thats y i chose this design for my logo. thank you :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


from the batik design, i took some traces around the hibiscus flower which is kinda cute. haha well.. it is the national flower rite.. after thought bout it, i chose red color. why?

the answer is easy.. contra! hehe. the apple symbol is already green. so if i put yellow, its not stylish enough. but red.. woah! people will notice it right?

i still using the same concept gradient. but i choose red for the last, followed by orange, yellow and white. the traces i took using the same size which is 8 i think but i chose white as the outline.. if its black, its not really suitable because it will just be ugly..

conclusion, its all about gradient baby! hahaha... it took me some time to get use with the tools as im using CS5. of course it has more tools than CS4 but still.. hehe, im new!

as for the flower leaf, i cant put green as the symbol has already been in that color. so it would be really weird okay? i chose gray coz it can fit in most of the colors.

after i've done this, i thought to myself.. am i finished? the answer is NO! haha. its so simple. doesnt have the little flowers around it just like in the batik design. so i figured out i had to take a trace out of the batik just for the last time..

i put it as blue! haha. malaysia colors are based on nature. so it consists of red, blue, white and green. its consistent with the title of the assignment.

haih.. after few hours of struggling over this application... i've done it! yahoo! all together... 8 freaking layers baby! hahaha

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

color color!

after tracing the logo... i took the cursor to the logo and make it smaller in size to fit in the space... to make it more appearing, i increased the stroke of the black outline from 1 to 8 scale..

for the colouring, i chose green. not only because i love green but green is a symbol color for muslim people. to make it look nicer, i tried to play with the gradient. i chose black, dark green, light green, yellow and white.

in order to have an impact for coloring, i use the circular / radial gradient. the white color will be the first color and i will put it by the leaf and on top of the logo..

and for a result, tadaaa.....!! hehee... isn't it beautiful? (perasan jek aku ni.. huehuehue)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

am thinking...

what can we do about the mac logo. its just an apple. its a black apple logo. erm.. so i figured out that malaysia is popular for its etnic.. its batik.. so i figured out that it might be cute if i put the batik design in the mac logo. woo... chantek kan? haha i noe..

i dont have a scanner and it seems that this lappie doesnt have any application of paint T__T so sad.. huhu.. i drew it before in ma book but yeah.. no scanner no drawing!!

i made tracing around the apple logo and cut it to the new layer... so its kinda look like dis. coz this logo is quite big. its bigger and i have to make it smaller.. hehe...

oh yea.. wat type of batik design im trying to put in? let me find some part of it..

tada..! so this is it! this is some part of the design i was trying to figure out and put it in the apple mac logo.. walahhh~~

Friday, June 25, 2010


for days... i've been trying to find a symbol..
for this assignment..
i thought of taking mcDonalds..
but i had no idea how to change that symbol at all..
so yeah.. i chose this..

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


evening to everyone...

gosh i have no idea what to write here. but just for breaking the ice, im zura. this is my blog. am gonna post every single update about my assignment here. u can view it, comment it but please don't copy it. whatever u need, just ask and i'll share ;)

im not really good in this stuff yet. i really really hope that all of you guys (yeah! u! my classmates).. please do help me! so that i wont be lost in class! hehe..

thats all for now folks. daa~