Tuesday, June 29, 2010

color color!

after tracing the logo... i took the cursor to the logo and make it smaller in size to fit in the space... to make it more appearing, i increased the stroke of the black outline from 1 to 8 scale..

for the colouring, i chose green. not only because i love green but green is a symbol color for muslim people. to make it look nicer, i tried to play with the gradient. i chose black, dark green, light green, yellow and white.

in order to have an impact for coloring, i use the circular / radial gradient. the white color will be the first color and i will put it by the leaf and on top of the logo..

and for a result, tadaaa.....!! hehee... isn't it beautiful? (perasan jek aku ni.. huehuehue)

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