Sunday, September 5, 2010


for the front page, i've decided just to put the face of the character of the onion man. the character i put is in color. different with the interior which i only put black and white.

firstly, i put up the wish "happy birthday mum" on the left section. make sure the "birthday" writing is bigger than both "happy" and "mum".

after that, i started to draw the picture. well, this time i didn't trace. i used pencil tool to just draw out the outline then started to insert the color. for the onion man, i chose yellow. i included it with a "songkok"; a malay tradition hat.

lastly, for the background. i chose rainbow! haha! red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.. arent they such interesting colors! i used gradient for it as linear. then, i made it straight. so the red to purple is from above to below.

just to make it look nicer, i added some of the stars. i just copy them from the backpage anyway :D

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