Tuesday, June 29, 2010

color color!

after tracing the logo... i took the cursor to the logo and make it smaller in size to fit in the space... to make it more appearing, i increased the stroke of the black outline from 1 to 8 scale..

for the colouring, i chose green. not only because i love green but green is a symbol color for muslim people. to make it look nicer, i tried to play with the gradient. i chose black, dark green, light green, yellow and white.

in order to have an impact for coloring, i use the circular / radial gradient. the white color will be the first color and i will put it by the leaf and on top of the logo..

and for a result, tadaaa.....!! hehee... isn't it beautiful? (perasan jek aku ni.. huehuehue)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

am thinking...

what can we do about the mac logo. its just an apple. its a black apple logo. erm.. so i figured out that malaysia is popular for its etnic.. its batik.. so i figured out that it might be cute if i put the batik design in the mac logo. woo... chantek kan? haha i noe..

i dont have a scanner and it seems that this lappie doesnt have any application of paint T__T so sad.. huhu.. i drew it before in ma book but yeah.. no scanner no drawing!!

i made tracing around the apple logo and cut it to the new layer... so its kinda look like dis. coz this logo is quite big. its bigger and i have to make it smaller.. hehe...

oh yea.. wat type of batik design im trying to put in? let me find some part of it..

tada..! so this is it! this is some part of the design i was trying to figure out and put it in the apple mac logo.. walahhh~~

Friday, June 25, 2010


for days... i've been trying to find a symbol..
for this assignment..
i thought of taking mcDonalds..
but i had no idea how to change that symbol at all..
so yeah.. i chose this..

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


evening to everyone...

gosh i have no idea what to write here. but just for breaking the ice, im zura. this is my blog. am gonna post every single update about my assignment here. u can view it, comment it but please don't copy it. whatever u need, just ask and i'll share ;)

im not really good in this stuff yet. i really really hope that all of you guys (yeah! u! my classmates).. please do help me! so that i wont be lost in class! hehe..

thats all for now folks. daa~