Tuesday, December 14, 2010


for the e-wallpaper, i chose only one picture. which reflected the fom building side. this picture however is simple and as you can see, there is some clouds above it. so, I used "magic eraser" and cut out that part so that it will be empty and white in color.

for making it look simple and creative, i rotated the picture to 15 CW. I chose "artistic" option and make it as "smudge stick". after that, I chose "motion blur" and insert 45 and 10 pixels.

however, I'm not satisfied with the picture yet. so, I added brightness to make it nicer and lastly, I chose "auto-tone" to make it all stable.

for the title, I cut out the logo of MMU and insert it together with the writing. its simple and after I inserted in the big picture, I played with the color and the gradient so that it will match with the background, "black and white".

and tadaa~ another picture has been done!