Friday, July 16, 2010

calendar starter

for the second assignment, i'll take hari raya theme. my theme is "hari raya is the best!" lame! i noe.. but i donno.. i like it that way.. and so, this is the first draft..

yeah.. thats the small guy... haha.. comel tak? hehehe.... then its like very empty around the sunrise.. so i just draw in some birds there.. but yeah.. birds come in many sizes. so yeah..

Sunday, July 11, 2010


the company name : Apple
the company website:
the company current logo:

after a long thought, i chose this icon and put in some color in it. just like all the previous posts i sent. most of the tools i've used were tracing, coloring and also gradient. nothing much on the batik design i had.

the batik design i traced, copy and pasted it over on top of the original apple icon and made it fit into it. i put in different colors so that it wont look so dull and people wont get to see any difference.

Malaysia always emphasis natural flower; hibiscus. i put in different color base such as red, blue, green and yellow. even though its still not clear, it represented not only the Malaysian natural culture but also the Malaysian flag.

thats y i chose this design for my logo. thank you :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


from the batik design, i took some traces around the hibiscus flower which is kinda cute. haha well.. it is the national flower rite.. after thought bout it, i chose red color. why?

the answer is easy.. contra! hehe. the apple symbol is already green. so if i put yellow, its not stylish enough. but red.. woah! people will notice it right?

i still using the same concept gradient. but i choose red for the last, followed by orange, yellow and white. the traces i took using the same size which is 8 i think but i chose white as the outline.. if its black, its not really suitable because it will just be ugly..

conclusion, its all about gradient baby! hahaha... it took me some time to get use with the tools as im using CS5. of course it has more tools than CS4 but still.. hehe, im new!

as for the flower leaf, i cant put green as the symbol has already been in that color. so it would be really weird okay? i chose gray coz it can fit in most of the colors.

after i've done this, i thought to myself.. am i finished? the answer is NO! haha. its so simple. doesnt have the little flowers around it just like in the batik design. so i figured out i had to take a trace out of the batik just for the last time..

i put it as blue! haha. malaysia colors are based on nature. so it consists of red, blue, white and green. its consistent with the title of the assignment.

haih.. after few hours of struggling over this application... i've done it! yahoo! all together... 8 freaking layers baby! hahaha